Rivermen Quest, an after-school program from the Out of School Time grant, got the opportunity to interview Jonah Bacon, a 2017 graduate of Alma High School. The students have to complete a web quest, which is an inquiry-based research project that rewards the students after completing an inquiry. Students research specific topics, where they use that knowledge to create a product. With the help of four teachers to guide them, they created insects with geometric shapes, and now they are creating their dog sled team.
Jonah, who now lives in Alaska, is a dog Musher at Nautique Sky. He Just finished his master's degree at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Jonah completed the Copper Basin 300 sled dog race, where he placed 11th and ended the race with all 12 of his dogs, which is an impressive feat. The kids got the opportunity to ask him questions about his dog sledding experience, and he provided them with an abundance of knowledge through their questions. Overall, the students love that this program allows them to research interesting topics they would not normally learn about.